Williamsburg American Legion Post 288
Post History
During the early part of December 1919 a discussion arose among the participants in the World War of this community as to the advisability of organizing a POST of the American Legion in Williamsburg, OH. This resulted in an investigation being started as to the procedure necessary to form the POST.
Very soon specific instructions were received and immediately a petition was sent to State Headquarters requesting that the petitioners be granted a charter. On December 19, 1919 a charter was granted to the following named comrades.
John T. McKeever Robert P. McKeever
William C. Long John H. Gardner
Wilber G. Keilis Walter C. Curry
John W. Smith Earl B. Martin
Robert F. Engelage Frank H. Hauck
Harry L. Hines Eugene F. Boyd
Lynn W. Bishop Harry C. Dennis
Hugh F. Walker
Immediately following this a special meeting of all men of this community who served in the Military Forces of the United States during its participation in the World War, was called. The meeting was held on December 17, 1919 at the home of comrade R.P. McKeever. At this meeting all thecommunications from State Headquarters were read by John T. McKeever, chairman pro-tem.
Therefore Williamsburg Post 288 American Legion of Ohio was duly formed on December 17, 1919 at 7:30pm and the following officers elected by majority vote:
John T. McKeever, Commander
Harry Britton, Vice Commander
Harry L. Hines, Adjutant
Walter C. Curry, Historian
John Smith, Chaplain
Executive Committee:
R. Paul McKeever
John Gardner
Wilber Ellis
Eugene Boyd
Frank Hauck
At this meeting for organization there was an attendance of 27 and an enrollment of 27 paid up members.
(***This record of the founding of American Legion Post 288 was taken from the original hand written account of the first official meeting***)